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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

21. It's a Wonderful Life

A holiday tradition for me every year is to watch one of my all time favorite movies, "It's a Wonderful Life." It is during the closing scene of this movie that I'm always reminded how thankful I am for my family and all of my great friends. As with George Bailey, I always come to the conclusion that I really do have a wonderful life. With that thought in mind I'm posting this special 3 part holiday prattle. (Keep in mind that I write these prattles more for my own personal records than I do for the people who actually bother to read my mindless musings)

Part 1 - Why is my life wonderful?

Those who have seen this popular Jimmy Stewart movie are probably saying "I know George Bailey and Paul Peterson is no George Bailey." At first glance I would probably have to agree with these nay-sayers because on paper my life doesn't appear to be all that wonderful.

If I were ever to write a Christmas letter I would have a hard time telling anything very interesting about my life. When it comes to the normal topics covered in these type of Christmas letters I come up pretty empty in terms of things to tell.....check out my list....

Wife - no
Kids - none
Interesting job - no (maybe only to the world of technology geeks)
Job promotions - none
Exotic trips - none
New house - no
New lake cabin - no
New boat - no

OUCH....that list hurts....

After reviewing my list you probably see why I don't write Christmas letters. This little exercise helps me understand the value of getting married and having's basically gives you something to always talk and write about...(I realize that I'm just ahead of my time in terms of my single life 100 years everybody will live like me....I'm just a pioneer blazing a trail for future generations).

As weak as my list of accomplishments appears to be I do however have 3 items that I need to add to my list.....I call it the "Triple F" list.

"Triple F"
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Fellowship


I know....I know....You're saying....What? do these 3 things make up for all of the "No's" on my previous list?

This is a good question and maybe not everyone will agree with me but I think that having meaningful relationships along with having fellowship with your family and friends is the key to having a wonderful life. I may delusional but at a least I feel happy about my life.....(even though it appears to be screwed up most of the time).

To further expand on the importance of fellowship and relationships in a person's life I will provide the results of the following 2 studies:

Fellowship Study #1

This study compared these two type of people:

-Group 1 - No exercise, eats unhealthy foods, has regular fellowship with friends and family.
-Group 2 - Exercises regularly, eats only healthy foods, has no fellowship with friends or family.

-Result of study - Group # 1 was found to be much happier with their lives, more well adjusted and they actually live longer than Group #2.

-Morale of the story - You are better off hanging out with your buddies eating Twinkies than you are if you stay at home alone, work out every day and eat nothing but fruits and vegetables.

Fellowship Study #2

A study was done that showed the common characteristics of all mass murderers are as follows:

-No friends
-Lost contact with their family
-No meaningful relationships

Result of study - The lack of fellowship along with having no meaningful relationships were found to be the root causes of this violent behavior.
Morale of the story - Hanging out with your buddies saves lives.

George Bailey's guardian angel, Clarence, pretty much summed up my beliefs when he wrote the following note in the book he gave to George.."No man is a failure who has friends."

To further expand on the words of wisdom from Clarence.....

-I'm blessed with a great family many quality friends
-I help save lives
-I help make people happier with their lives
-I help people live longer lives
-My friends and family make me a happier person
-My friends and family help me to live a longer life
-I'm a successful person because I do have many friends (thanks Clarence).
(I know...if I had a wife and kids it would be even more wonderful....but I have to work with what I got)

I rest my case.

Part 2 - How do I keep my life wonderful?

In order to develop and maintain my Triple F lifestyle I have been social networking long before this term was used to describe the use of Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. I think all of these new ways of connecting with people are great and I fully endorse their use. However, I'm an old school Norwegian and I still prefer to stay in touch with my friends and family the old fashioned way. I've been taught that all change is bad so don't look for me to adopt the use of social media any time soon. A quick comparison of the current social media options versus the "Palmer Networking" options are as follows:

Social Media                                  Palmer Networking 
Facebook                                          Face-to-Face
Tweet                                              Talk
Text                                                 Call
LinkedIn                                            Meet me on the "Links"
Followers                                          "Worlds" of Friends
Friends Lists/Profiles                          Venn Diagram*

*I was never very good in math but for some reason I always liked geometry and I fell in love with Venn Diagrams. I'm therefore always looking for an excuse to use these diagrams and in this case I'm using one to illustrate how all my "worlds" of friends fit together. The Venn diagram shown below provides the following:

1. Identifies my 9 different worlds of friends
2. Illustrates the wide variety of my worlds
3. Reveals that there is very little cross-over of my worlds

The take home message here is that all of my "Worlds" are pretty much separate from each other. This therefore creates many opportunities for me to have fellowship with several unrelated groups and many different people. (and you already know the importance of having fellowship).

My goal is to stay in contact with all of the people from these 9 different worlds and see them in person on a regular basis. (My Worlds - Zumbrota, Concordia, Softball, Wednesday night basketball, Sunday night basketball, Twin City people, Norstan, Black Box, Twin Valley)

Venn Diagram - Palmer's Worlds

I attempted to bring all of the these "worlds" together a couple of years ago when I invited them to attend my special birthday party. The name of this party was "World's Colliding" becasue it was going to be the first time that I was bringing all my worlds together in one place.

The reason this was a special birthday party is as follows:
-Birth date: 5-4
-Birth year: 54
-Age: 54
-Start time of the party: yes, you guessed it...5:54 pm

Even though there was not a large turnout due to the mid week date and the early start time in Maple Grove, I did mange to have someone from 8 of my 9 worlds represented. It was a little stressful for me but in the end the party was considered to be a success.

In an effort to come up with some new options for fellowship I made what I called "an investment in friendship" last spring. I went in with a group of 8 guys who purchased and shared Twins season tickets for the first year at Target Field - 4 seats for every home game.

This partnership allowed me to have 4 seats to 10 games which I then used to entertain friends from all my "worlds". It turned out to be a very wise investment because I was able to rekindle many old friendships at these games.

My buddies started to call me a "friendship broker" because I was able to bring together groups of old friends who had not seen each other for several years. It took some serious planning and coordination to always bring 3 people from the same world together for each game....but it was well worth it in the end.

As the American Express commercial says...
-4 seats for 10 games - $2,000
-Parking fee for 10 games = $130
-Food and drink for 10 games - $300
-A day at the ball park with my buddies - Priceless

Part 3 - Proof of Concept -  Photo Gallery - 2010 Review

Concordia College World

Zumbrota World

Tri-fecta Worlds..Twin Cities - Norstan - Zumbrota

Wednesday Night Basketball World

Concordia College World 

Twin Cities World

Creating New Worlds

Concordia College World

Tri-fecta - Softball - Norstan - Black Box

Zumbrota World

Concordia College World

Zumbrota World

Twin Cities World (Peterson Cousins)

Expanding My Worlds

Zumbrota World

Sunday Night Basketball World - Part 1

Sunday Night Basketball - Part 2

Zumbrota World

Exploring other solar systems 

As you can see, I saved some lives this year.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

20. Mom is 90!!!

My Mom, Adeline Peterson, recently had her life odometer display a number that many people never have the opportunity to see or experience. On November 10, 2010 my Mom entered a new decade of her life when she celebrated her 90th birthday. In honor of this very significant event I am posting a special prattle that is dedicated to my Mom.

In order to reach this major milestone my Mom has had to travel down life's rough and rocky road. During the last several years she unfortunately has been dealing with a long list of health problems that could have easily cut her journey short. For her to be up and around celebrating her 90th birthday is truly a credit to her physical and mental toughness. No matter what went wrong in her life she never complained and somehow she always managed to maintain her very pleasant disposition.

As impressive as my Mom has been in handling her health problems, I feel that she deserves a gold medal, a world championship ring and a first ballot selection into the Mother's Hall of Fame for an entirely different accomplishment in her life.

I feel that my Mom deserves these awards because she was able to somehow manage a household that consisted of one classic old school Norwegian husband and two very dysfunctional sons. I have no idea how she kept her sanity or what motivated her to work so hard at trying to mold this group of misfits into a normal family. It was a no win situation for her but to her credit she always followed the mantra of the late Jim Valvano....don't give up....don't ever give up.....and my Mom didn't give up.

"My Mom's Ultimate Goal"
Seeing I couldn't come up with any of these special  awards I decided that we needed to have an official 90th birthday party to honor my Mom for all of her life's accomplishments. This of course meant that I needed to plan, coordinate and host a birthday party. Only my very close friends will understand what a daunting task this was for me..... as I've been told so many times..."Palmer, you are a great guest but a terrible host"....think this party caused me a little stress???

How the heck am I going to do this?

Much to my surprise I did manage pull off a two day extravaganza.. To make a long story short the two celebration were as follows:

Day 1 - Saturday, November 6th - Party at the Peterson Ranch located at 13th and Main in Zumbrota.........big crowd......lots of.relatives and friends attended.......huge Mom loved it...

Footnote - growing up on the corner of 13th Street and Main Street molded my personality in the following ways: 

-Main street caused me to live a "mainstream" life style... as in generic, predictable, simple and boring

-13th Street of course speaks for itself....there is a reason they don't have a 13th floor in high rise cats also roamed up and down this street during my childhood.....(superstitious is my middle name)

*See my resume for other reasons that back up my theory.

Day 2 - Sunday, November 7th......took my Mom to church.....hosted an open house at Minneola Church....entertained a good sized crowd.....another huge success.....haven't seen my Mom smile so much in long time.

As they say a picture is worth a 1,000 words, so I will let the following photo gallery tell the story of the big weekend. I have also added some captions that provide quotes from my Mom.....of course these are things she would never say........ but who knows?..... maybe she would like to say these things about her two sons...(all meant in good fun of couse)

                                       PHOTO GALLERY

                                         Let's party!!!

"I hope they are giving more than just this cake....this is my 90th birthday you know"

"Paul actually planned all this?......hard to believe"

"Flowers and balloons are nice but where the heck are my gifts?"

"Great party.....still can't believe that Paul pulled this off"

'You would think that one of these two clowns would have given me a grandchild"

"At least they brought me to church"

"Look at me now.....Look at me now....check out my new birthday outfit"

"Just between you and me.... I think I did okay as a Mother considering what I had to work with"