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Monday, May 31, 2010

4. Vikings Draft Party

Palmer's Prattle....Edition #4.....April 22, 2010....Lookout Bar

Your roving reporter was out and about covering one of the draft parties sponsored by the Vikings. Due to the new draft format there were 12 official draft parties taking place at different drinking establishments throughout the Twin Cities.

Much to my surprise 1 of the 12 draft parties was being held in Maple Grove at a true "neighbor" bar called "The Lookout." This 52 year old establishment was once a country bar located well outside the metro area. As the urban sprawl spread to the northwest, this little bar was soon surrounded by a Maple Grove housing development. For whatever reason "The Lookout" was allowed to continue to do business even though it is now located smack dab in the middle of a residential area.

It was a beautiful spring evening and I wanted to get outside and enjoy it with a little stroll through the neighborhood. "The Lookout" is about a 20 minute walk from my house and I made it my destination so I could witness the Vikings Draft party.

Note: click on enclosed photos to enlarge them.

Highlights of the party.....

-There was a good buzz in the place....festive atmosphere....packed bar....Vikings garb everywhere....rube collar bunch....not your typical white bread, cake eating Maple Grove crowd (not that there is anything wrong with that)....not sure where these people come from...

-I found the perfect spot at the bar to "belly up" and take it all in...didn't know any of the patrons in the place....however, I had several buddies before the night was over.

-The wife of the bar owner used to be my administrative assistant where I work....she provided me free beer all night.....she said my money was no good there....which of course is a good thing.

-Phil Loadholt, an offensive tackle, was the Vikings player in attendance.....he worked the room...a very large man....oh my!....chatted with him...very friendly guy....he was quite proud of his former Oklahoma teammates who were drafted right away in the first round...also happy to see all of the Big 12 guys drafted early in the first round.....he of course loves Favre...hopes he comes back....non-committal on who the Vikings should draft...looking forward to first game in New Orleans...left the bar before the Vikings trade was announced....see the picture of my buddy Phil and me below.......

-Mary and Ashley were the two Vikings cheerleaders in attendance....very nice young gals....easy on the eyes as they say......worked the crowd quite well.....had plenty of personality....they seemed to understand their role.....they are at the party so that men can do the following:

             -Look at them
             -Engage in conversation with them
             -Have pictures taken with them
             -Feel better about themselves because good looking women will talk to them

-Mary and Ashley obviously fulfilled all of their responsibilities with me.....

-One guy said these two gals were what he termed "criers"...meaning that if these two good looking young women ever talked to him he would start to cry..... (please note the tears coming down my face on the enclosed photo)

-I have attached a picture that shows me with my two new friends (yes, I cried when it was taken)....Ashley to my right and Mary to my left.....yes, I know they could be my daughters or they could be daughters of my friends.....neither is true in this case so let me enjoy it.

-Crowd was very disappointed when it was announced that the Vikings had traded their 30th pick....some good raggin' going on....suddenly everyone bonded together and shared their frustration....several guys were very vocal... wanted them to take Clausen the QB from Notre Dame.....also surprised how disappointed the crowd was when Denver picked Tebow....large delegation wanted the Vikings to get him.

-I had a nice walk can't be arrested for WUI can you? (walking under the influence)