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Sunday, April 22, 2012

39. NIT - New York City

Now that I'm finally out of the sales meat grinder my plan is to actively search for interesting things to do that are both meaningful and fun. The evaluation criteria that I will use during this search process will be based on how much I enjoy doing something rather than how much I get paid for doing it. This means that I'll primarily be looking to volunteer, travel and work with organizations that are involved with athletics.

How can you say no to the Salvation Amy?.... (volunteer bell ringer)

The first significant opportunity that came my way had everything I was looking, travel, people and athletics. The owner of a charter company here in the Twin Cities offered me a job to be a host on the trips that his company provides for fans of the University of Minnesota Golden Gopher athletic teams. This charter company has been putting together these trip packages to Gopher road games since 1993.

When do we leave?....when do we get back? much does it cost?

I got to know the owner of this charter company at the bar where my group meets before Gopher basketball games. When the owner heard that I had retired he said he wanted to hire me to work for him next fall on trips to Gopher road football games. I of course jumped all over this opportunity...this was  right up my alley.

I'm already excited....I'll be going into this "Sea of Red" next fall....Nebraska

My job responsibilities with this charter company would be to help people get on the plane, see that everyone gets on the right bus at the airport, help people get checked in and out of the hotel, answer questions and generally schmooze the guests during the trip. The compensation for my services was going to be a free trip to the games (air, hotel and meals) along with an excellent ticket to each game.

Here is your boarding pass...Paul Peterson has already printed it for you

Hey, come on...... work with me people have to SIT DOWN!

Listen up....roll call.time....Anderson, Bailey, Carlson.....

Then suddenly things the middle of March the Gopher basketball team surprised everyone and went on an unexpected run in the NIT tournament. After a very disappointing regular season the Gophers won four NIT games in row and and therefore earned the right to go to New York City and play in the NIT's final four. (yes, I know the NIT means nothing....but hey, a chance to play in Madison Square Garden? gotta love it if you are a Gopher player).

Yes, you could say that the Gophers really did "rise" to the occasion

The unexpected trip to the NIT final four by my Gophers turned out to be a very good thing for me as well. This was because the charter company was now going to offer Gopher fans a trip package to the NIT and they needed me to be one of their hosts on the trip....YAHOO!!!.....I was going to the BIG APPLE!!....what a great gig!

I love the NIT!!!.....I love my Gophers!!!

1. 90 people went on the trip
2. 4 commercial flights were used
3. Departed Tuesday morning, March 27th at 5:30 am
4. Stayed at the Milford Hotel - 2 blocks from Times Square
5. Sota Socials (pre-game Gopher pep rallies)
6. Broadway Plays
7. Site Seeing
8. Central Park
9. Returned Friday afternoon, March 30th at 2:00 pm

I was in charge of 24 people on my flight....didn't lose anybody

I can't wait to hit the streets of New York....oh that's right I'm here to work


Here is a quick rambling look at the highlights of my stay in New York City (in no particular order)

Lunch at Pete's on Day 1.....the oldest bar in New York City


The University of Minnesota sponsored a Sota Social on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon before each Gopher basketball game.....our group took over a bar called the Irish Times which was located  right across the street from Madison Square from Minnesota....alumni fans who live in the New York area....Gopher festive atmosphere.

This is the place to be for Gopher fans....Sota Social Time

I was like a secret service agent....had to check the place out before the party

I just love pep fests

My boss at the charter company wanted me to "work the room" and make sure that all of the guests were having fun. This is one of my strengths so I hit the ground running. Some of the first people I engaged with at the Sota Social were parents of the players. I had a great conversation with the mothers of Austin Hollins and Andre Hollins. For some reason I have always been able to bond and make quality connections with mothers and married women....single women on the other hand?...not so good.

Bonding with the mothers of Andre Hollins and Austin Hollins

I'm not sure that my boss meant this when he said to "work the crowd" also may explain why I have trouble connecting with single women.......(see below)

Do you believe in love at first site?....or should I walk by again?

Time to enter Madison Square Garden.....the mecca of basketball...I'm giddy

Gophers beat Washington in an OT thriller.... play Stanford for the championship


Let's celebrate the victory......Times Square looks like the place to go

Small world....Annie the bartender grew up near my friends


On Wednesday I was free to roam the city....

First stop...Today Show....Yes, I'm a rube who hangs around the outdoor studio

Matt Lauer and crew do their air time for me however

Maria Larosa from the Weather Channel was filling in for Al Roker

I'll take Maria over Al some air time during her report


I've always been a big Beatles fan throughout my life. Paul McCartney was my # 1 guy but John Lennon was always a close second. Seeing I was in New York City I decided to pay my respects to the late John Lennon by going to the site where he was senselessly killed on December 8, 1980.

"The Dakota" all happened here

John Lennon got out of his limo here.......

.....and Mark David Chapman shot and killed John Lennon right here

Rest in peace

May the lyrics that John Lennon wrote live on......

"Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about, Strawberry Fields forever"


I entered the lottery to get tickets to The David Letterman show on Thursday.....and believe it or not I was picked.....unfortunately I couldn't go because I needed to be at the Sota Social that was scheduled for Thursday afternoon (the show is taped at 3:30 in the afternoon)....story of my life....I seldom win anything....but when I do I can't cash in on it.

Sorry Dave, I can't make it to your show


I just had to go up to the top of the Empire State building.....

Where is Meg Ryan?

Is there anyone up here who speaks English?....was I in another country?

What can I say?.....nice view huh? knees are weak


It was time to hit Broadway.....

I went to Jersey was fantastic...I want to be an actor!!!

It may be hard to believe but there is a Broadway play about Larry Bird and Magic Johnson

I absolutely love Larry Bird so I just had to go to this play....really enjoyed it.


The Gophers took on Stanford in the NIT championship game on Thursday, March 29, 2012. Unfortunately for the Gophers and their fans the game did not go well. The Gophers were completely dominated by Stanford and lost by the score of 71 sad.

I did have great seats though....row 3 right behind Tubby

Even though the Gophers lost the championship game everyone on the trip, including me, had a fantastic time in New York City. I can't wait to work on the next Gopher road trip. I think I may have found my calling on this trip.