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Monday, June 28, 2010

14. Zumbrota Celebration

I attended the annual Covered Bridge Festival in my hometown of Zumbrota during the weekend of June 19-20. This event is your typical summer celebration that all small towns have every year.

The first questions you may have about this celebration are probably.....

1. What is the Covered Bridge?
2. Why is there a Covered Bridge in Zumbrota?
3. What is the significance of the Covered Bridge?
4. What is the Covered Bridge used for today?
5. Why is there a celebration named after this Covered Bridge?

Well, let me quickly answer those questions....

1. A an old wooden bridge in Zumbrota that has a roof over it. (you probably already figured that out)

2. This 120 foot long wooden bridge built over the Zumbro River in 1869 was originally part of  the stagecoach trail between St. Paul and Dubuque.....located at the north end of the Zumbrota business district(I guess putting a roof over bridges was the thing to do in those days)

3. This bridge is now the only "Covered Bridge" still in existence today in Minnesota....on the National Register of Historic Places...

4. The Covered Bridge still crosses over the Zumbro River just 700 yards from its original location....currently used as a walking bridge on a trail that goes from the Zumbrota business district into a large park area called (you guessed it) the Covered Bridge Park....

5. Every town needs an excuse for a party and the Covered Bridge is Zumbrota's excuse......the Covered Bridge Festival is held on the third weekend of June every include art fair, flea market, softball tournament, sand volleyball tournament, 5K run, 10K run, live bands all day, street dances, food stands, big get the picture...very festive atmosphere all over town....

Take a look at the famed Covered Bridge.....


Highlights of the Big Weekend...

Friday Night

-This year there was an additional event added to my big weekend....a special gathering called the "Blue Goose Reunion" was held on Friday night this year.....guess where the reunion took place?....where else but the "Covered Bridge Restaurant and Sports Bar".

-As with the Covered Bridge, I'm sure you have several questions about the Blue Goose...

1. What the heck is the Blue Goose?
2. What's my connection to the Blue Goose?
3. Why was a reunion held?
4. Did anyone come to this reunion?

-I'll run some quick answers by you...

1. The Blue Goose was a small bar in downtown Zumbrota that was open for 64 years ....closed the doors in 1998....sold only 3.2 beer...the place to be....where everyone met......sponsored "the premier" softball team in the was as an honor to be asked to play on this team.....also sponsored a women's slow pitch softball team in the 80's and 90's...the only bar you could go to that never had a telephone they said in those days "you can't be reached here" was a haven for wayward husbands....the only way to reach a person at the Blue Goose was to physically go there and talk to them in cell phones in those days.....

2. I played on the Blue Goose softball team from 1973-1979....a fixture in center field for my entire career.....filled the role of the fleet footed, strong armed center fielder with unlimited range (not really, I just like to say it)....rookie of the year in 1973.....played in a fast pitch league for the first 3 years...the team switched to a slow pitch league in 1976.....the fast pitch league died in the area at that time....I was also known for my skill of lip syncing juke box songs atop the cooler at the far end of the bar (that could be a separate prattle all its own) of my social scene in those days.....Hamm's and Schmidt beer were on tap....always a festive atmosphere....

3. Several members of the fast pitch teams of the 60's and 70's decided it was time to have a reunion.... all past players and patrons of the bar were invited....the current manager of the Covered Bridge restaurant was one of the "regulars" at the bar back in the 70's so he volunteered to host the reunion...

3. The reunion was a huge success...people came out of the woodwork.....the bar was band....the works....memorabilia on display everywhere....every jersey, cap, and jacket ever worn by a Blue Goose softball player was on display...scrapbooks galore...great night of reminiscing....saw people I hadn't seen in 25 years...they were even serving Hamm's was like old times again....I felt like I had dropped back into the 1970's.....

Fun Facts - Blue Goose Softball teams - 1957 to 1998

1. Sponsored a men's "Fast pitch" team from 1957 through 1975
2. Sponsored a men's "Slow pitch" team from 1976 through 1998
3. Sponsored a women's "Slow Pitch" team from 1982 to 1998
4. 66 players played on the men's team between 1957 and 1983*
5. 11 sets of brothers played between 1957 and 1983
6. 2 sets of fathers and sons played between 1957 and 1983
7. 12 of the 66 players from the men's teams have passed away

*Records were not kept past 1983

-For the the hard core Blue Goose fans a complete list of the 66 players is provided in the Appendix section that you will find at the end of this prattle.

-I've included a few pictures from the reunion for those readers who have a connection to Zumbrota....unfortunately I goofed up and many of the pictures I took did not turn out....

          Carol and Doug Borgschatz....Jim and Leann Lohmann

                       Gary O'Connor ....aka "The Boy"....

      Leann Lohmann....Tim O'Connor.....Cooler of Hamm's beer...

                       Tim O'Connor.....Mike Peterson

                Kenny Lother.....Skeeter Berg and his band

Corky Falk, Ken Lother, Heidi Dunbar, Arlen Olson, Mike Peterson


-The annual 5K and 10K races are run at 8:00 am Saturday morning....this year 128 people entered the 5K run and 43 people entered the 10K run......

-Last year I ran the 5K run for the first time and I won my age division (50- 59) with a time of 23:48. (see attached picture of me from last year atop the podium with my gold medal)

         2009 Gold Medal Winner....5K Run...50-59 age group

-Big dilemma for me this year...should I return to defend my crown or should I go out as a champion?...... I knew there was a guy from Zumbrota who just turned 50 and he would probably beat me this year ....last year he destroyed me as a 49 year old.......I also knew that I was going to be out late attending the Blue Goose reunion on Friday night and I may not be at my best for the 5K run at 8:00 am on Saturday morning...what's a fella to do?

-After giving it some serious thought I felt it was my duty to return and defend my title....that's how it is with professional golfers, if they win a tournament they are expected to return the following year to defend their title....the decision was made.....I will defend!!!

-I set the following three goals for this year's 5k my age division, finish in the top ten of the overall field of runners and run a better time than last year....(I read somewhere that a man has to set his goals).

-Got up around 6:30 am on Saturday morning.....felt okay seeing I left the Blue Goose reunion at 1:00 am......loaded up on Advil and slammed down a bottle of 5 hour energy.....I was now ready to go....

-Saturday morning was beautiful....sunny, 68 degrees, very little wind....a great day to run...

-Guess where the race starts?...yes, you are correct...right in front of the Covered Bridge........the starting line and the finish line are both located there.....the runners even get to run across the bridge right before they cross the finish line....

                   Starting line in front of the Covered Bridge

-When I looked around at all of the other runners I knew maybe 3 people.....weird being a stranger in your own hometown.......the famous author, Thomas Wolfe, was right..... "you can't go home again"...

                   I don't know anyone...what's going on here?

-I'm looking around to I see if the guy from Zumbrota who I know can beat me is there at the starting line...don't see him yet....maybe I've got a chance.....can you say "repeat"?

-The race is ready to start and my 50 year old challenger from Zumbrota is definitely not there.....I'm living blessed.....I can already feel the gold medal around my neck....

          Who are all these people?....don't you know who I am?

-The race begins and I take off "like a dirty shirt" with the young studs in the lead pack for a few tenths of mile...drop into the second tier and see no one that even looks close to 50 in front of me.....I'm home free baby....if I don't fall down or have a massive heart attack I'll be on that podium again...

-Then out of seemingly nowhere a guy goes cruising by me at the half mile mark.....OH NO!....who is this guy?....he's definitely not in his 20's or 30's.....could he be 50?...nah....he doesn't look a day over 48 to me.....if he is 50 I'm in big trouble now...he's prancing like Bambi....I'm lumbering like Dumbo....

-I try to stay in contact with Bambi but I soon realize that I can't keep up to his much faster pace and actually expect to live another day....

-My two other goals now come to the forefront and I need to focus on ten finish and a better time than last year...

-Soon my "party crasher" has really extended his lead over I'm just praying that he's in his 40's...he's gotta be....doesn't he?

The home stretch....running through the bridge

                        Ahhhhhh....finally the finish line.....

-I feel pretty good throughout the race.... finish strong......sprint across the Covered Bridge....greeted by cheering fans as I cross the finish line.....again I look around and see no one I know.....this is Zumbrota isn't's like a twight zone episode.....23:16 is my time which is better than last I must wait for the overall results....I know Bambi finished long before I did....he's probably already at home and taken a shower by now....

                 When are they going to post the results?

-I follow the lady who is carrying the final results of the 5K run ....she posts the final results.

                       Are those the results of the 5K run?

-The first thing that jumps out at me on the results sheet is that I finished in 10th place overall....YES!!!.....Goal #1 has been time of 23:16 is 32 seconds better than last year best time ever......I'm living large.......Goal # 2 achieved! how about that Gold Medal????

.Then I see it......OH NO!!!....say it isn't so.......Bambi is 50....I want to see his birth certificate....he can't be 50......he must have just had his birthday yesterday.....he destroyed me with a time of 22:04....oh well.....what's a guy to do?....he flat out beat me.....

                                   You can't be 50!!!
 -No gold medal this year......maybe I'll have shot at one again when I turn 60......(don't even want to think about actually being 60).....

-One category that I feel I did win......I was the only guy in the entire race who was at the Blue Goose party until 1:00 am and ran in a 5K run the next morning at 8:00 am....unfortunately their are no gold medals given out for this feat.....

-Later in the morning I pick up my Mom at the nursing home in Zumbrota.....the plan is to bring her to several of the special events being held around town during the day.....

-First stop.....why of course, the Covered Bridge's is hopping place today....sand volleyball for the booths....class reunions....very festive...

-Second stop - softball a little of the slow pitch tourney.....hmmmm.....that used to be my life.....for some reason the softball tournaments I played in felt much more important than what I watched that day....could it be that my softball days really weren't that important either?....nah, my games were life and death....

-Third stop - Flea's buzzing with people.....amazed that people will actually buy this kind of stuff...and that people try to sell this stuff...

-Fourth stop - Art Fair.....packed with patrons....people took the time to make all of these things?.....and people pay money for them?......what am I missing here? taste is obviously only in my mouth.....

-Final Stop - the front lawn of my brother's house.....right on main street in Zumbrota....the place I grew up.....set up camp on the front lawn....the big parade goes right in front of the old Peterson place.......who are all these strangers in our yard?......huge parade....lasts an hour and a half.....7 high school marching bands.....huge crowds line the street....small town America is alive and well....

     Zumbrota band passes the Peterson house on 13th and Main

-Major trouble early on in the parade....the motorcycle crew who performs some tricks with their driving skills have an accident almost right in front of us......cycles collide......rider is down......hit his head on the helmet....parade is delayed for 30 minutes....ambulance takes rider away....scary moment.....later heard they thought he was going to okay...give the motorcycle guys credit...they continued on with their they say "the show must go on".....

-Parade ends around 8:00 pm....time to take my Mom back to the nursing home....she is still giddy....

-A street dance and fireworks close out the big day....I'm still giddy....

-As stated so many times in the Zumbrota News over the years..." a fine time was had by all."


Blue Goose Reunion Appendix

(6) Owners: Lawrence Anderson, Edward "Sliver" Raasch, Harold Kuhn, Donald "Butch" Wobshall, Doris 'Dee Dee" Haugen, Alice Finstuen

Players - 1957 to 1983

(54) Living Players: Craig Anderson, Morrie Anderson, Frank Aunan, Mike Banitt, Tom Banitt, Gale Benson, Gary Benson, Brad Birmingham, Doug Borgschatz, Pat Bradley, Scott Bradley, Arnie Blakstad, Joyce Bucher, Brian Buck, Dale Carlson, George Currier, Bob Fredrickson, Orlin Friedrich, Wayne Friedrich, Alton Hinrichs, Mike Horsman, Dick Jensch, Bob Kalass, Joe Kittleson, Bob Koenig, Lloyd Kunde, Jim Lohmann, Rick Lohmann, David Lother, Ken Lother, Randy Lother, Jerry Nelson, Roger Nelson, Gary o"Connor, Tim O'Connor, Rollie Oelschlager, Bruce Oimoen, Steve Oimoen, Tim O'Reilly, Jim Owen, Keith Olson, Mike Peterson, Paul Peterson, Don Quinell, Carl Potratz, Paul Rockne, Fred Raasch, Bill Shelstad, Bill Steinfeldt, Chuck Strum, Dave Swenke, Bob Titterington, Keith Todd, Butch Wobschall

(12) Deceased Players: Bob Albrecht, Norrie Fredrickson, Lowell "Pete; Graif, Earl Hinz, Lor Hinz, Don Kunde, Dale Lother, LeVerne "Porky" Lother, Don Steffen, Eldie, Friedrich, Billy Tri, Ron Tri

(11) Sets of Brothers

1. Dale, Ken and Dale Lother
2. Tom and Mike Banitt
3. Tim and Gary O'Connor
4. Billy and Ron Tri
5. Lloyd and Don Kunde
6. Earl and Lor Hinz
7. Gary and Gale Benson
8. Mike and Paul Peterson
9. Scott and Pat Bradley
10. Orlin and Eldie Friedrich
11. Bruce and Steve Oimoen

Fathers and Sons (2)

1. Norrie and Bob Fredrickson
2. LeVerne "Porky" and Randy Lother

13. Fun Facts

WARNING: This prattle provides information that most people will find boring...consider yourself warned....if you do decide to read it I'm sure you will be saying to what?.....who cares?....etc

I wrote this prattle so that I will have something to read for entertainment when I'm in a nursing home...

Everybody has some unique things that they have done or experienced in their lives......I call these "Fun Facts" about a person....these are things that most people probably don't know.....seeing I'm a such a sports rube the majority of my "fun facts" all involve some sort of sporting event or sports figure.....

My very modest list of  my "Top 20 Fun Facts" are provided below..........



1962 - I watched Jack Kralick pitch a no hitter for the Minnesota Twins at Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, MN...he had a perfect game going against the Kansas City Athletics until there was one out in the ninth inning...walked George Alusik on a 3-2 pitch......although I was only 8 years old at the time I did understand that this was a big deal...I became a devoted Twins fan that day.....



                                      Reggie Jackson

                         Metropolitan Stadium Scoreboard

1968 - I was at Metropolitan Stadium when Reggie Jackson of the Oakland Athletics hit the only home run ever to hit the right field scoreboard at Met Stadium...estimated at 450 ft....the ball was still rising when it hit the Marlboro sign on top of the scoreboard........ 65 ft off the ground ....the feeling was that the ball would have gone around 600 feet if it hadn't hit the scoreboard sign (at the time it was considered a big deal)....became a Reggie Jackson fan that day.....(I'm so easily impressed).....don't think he ever used "the juice"....



1972 - I was a member of the only two teams in Zumbrota High School history to have undefeated regular seasons in the same year. My senior year our football team went 9-0 (no playoffs in those days) and our basketball team went 20-0. (upset in district finals by Waseca - finished 22-1) senior class of 1972 was loaded with good athletes....only one junior played on the football team....the basketball team was 10 deep with seniors....we also played for two coaches who were later inducted into the Minnesota State High School Coaches Hall of Fame.....Ken Belanger was our hall of fame football coach.....Dick Wiebusch was our hall of fame basketball coach.....I loved playing for these two coaches and they both had a very positive influence on teammates from those days are still my best friends.....


               Jerry Seeman.....NFL Official.....1975 - 1991

1972 - Jerry Seeman was one of the referees in the District 30 championship basketball game that pitted my Zumbrota high school team against the hated team from Waseca. The game was played at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN in front of a standing room only crowd.  Unfortunately Waseca managed to pull off a 60-58 upset win over my undefeated team......a last second shot to tie the score was off the mark....this unexpected loss ruined our perfect season and our dreams of going to the state tournament.....let's just say that my teammates, coaches and fans were not enamored with the calls Seeman made during our game..... he called things very tight....caused us to play tentatively.....the very vindictive look Seeman gave players when calling a foul on them was chilling....urban legend has it that Seeman and his partner needed police protection as they left the gym that night in 1972.....supposedly they needed protection from several angry Zumbrota fans who were anxious to let Seeman and his partner know how they felt about their officiating.....

Jerry Seeman's officiating career sky rocketed and he become an official in the NFL from 1975 to 1991. He was the head referee in the 1989 and 1991 Super Bowls. Upon retiring from actively officiating in 1991 he served as the NFL's Senior Director of officiating.until 2001......every time I saw Seeman on TV as an official during an NFL game it brought back the terrible memories of what people in Zumbrota still call "that night."

This District 30 championship basketball game at St. Olaf was also the "coming out party" of a freshman player for Waseca named Gene Glynn.....he came off the bench and scored 14 points and just killed us....he had done nothing like this all year.....Glynn later was named Mr. Basketball in Minnesota his senior year (1975) was comforting to know that he wasn't just a "one game wonder" against us.....he was also a very good baseball player and played for 7 years in the minor leagues for the Montreal Expos organization....3 years at the AAA level..... ....once he retired from playing he managed and coached in the minor leagues....eventually worked his way of the ladder and became the third base coach for the San Francisco Giants and the Chicago Cubs....the attached pictures show him congratulating two of the all time home run kings (who used the "juice").... Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa....

I find it amazing that two people who were involved in this district championship basketball game made a name for themselves in the professional sports world....

          Gene Glynn....Third Base Coach....Giants....Cubs



Jake Christenson Stadium - Concordia College

                           Matching Bedspreads                                 

1972 -Pat Bradley has been a friend of mine since the day we entered first grade together at elementary school in Zumbrota, MN. Our senior year in high school we were both were recruited to play football at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN.....the recruitment process went well and we both decided to attend Concordia and play football......seeing we were such good friends we requested and were given permission to be roommates at Concordia......we of course had to report in mid August for pre-season football practice...... as we moved into our dorm room Pat unpacked two matching bedspreads that his Mom had sent along for us to use in our room........two naive (stupid) kids from Zumbrota thought using these bedspreads would be a great idea....our room will look great with these we thought.....a junior on the football team from across the hall came into our room that first night to introduce himself........his reaction upon seeing our matching bedspreads made us realize that this was not a good idea .....word spread quickly about the two goof balls from Zumbrota with the bedspreads...we were of course mocked and ridiculed by all of the upper classman on the team ....needless to say we never entirely lived it down....we heard about it all year...our entire freshman year we were called the "Zumbrota Twins"......part of the "jock" culture is that freshman get abuse from upper classman......we certainly provided them plenty of ammunition with our bedspreads.....the amazing thing is that we kept using the matching bedspreads all had become our identity so we had to go with least everybody knew who we were....(we ditched the matching bedspreads our sophomore year)

There is however a interesting ending to the story........ somehow we managed to recover from our major gaff over the next few years and in our senior year Pat was elected co-captain of the football team I was elected co-captain of the basketball team* ....not bad for two small town boys from Zumbrota who met in first grade, grew up together, became best friends and were roommates for 4 years at Concordia......

(*I played both football and basketball my freshman year...played only basketball my remaining three years)


1977 - I was the head coach of the Twin Valley High School boys basketball team that went to the Minnesota State High School  Basketball Tournament. It was the first time in school history that any team from Twin Valley had gone to a state was also my first year as a teacher and coach so I was riding high right out of the gate.......Twin Valley residents went wild....lots of excitement in school..... the town was "on it's ear".....unfortunately I came down with strep throat after the region final game and I was so sick I almost missed going to the tournament in St. Paul......I was in bed for three days prior to the tournament game played on Thursday afternoon at the St. Paul Civic center.....the magic of penicillin saved me....double dose in my "behind"......lost the first game to a tough Glencoe team....lost an overtime heart breaker to Redwood Falls in the consolation round.......even though we lost both games it was still a great experience...outstanding kids on the team...still in contact with them to this day....

Bruce Brothers, reporter for the Star Tribune, stated in his article about the state tournament that year......"although no records have been kept, Paul Peterson, the 22 year old head coach of Twin Valley, would have to be the youngest head coach to ever coach in the Minnesota state high school basketball tournament."..... I'm still going with this statement as would be tough to be any younger than 22 in March of your first year of teaching.....feel free to use me as an answer to a trivia question....



                Metropolitan Stadium....view from right field 

Metropolitan Stadium

                           Roy Smalley...Minnesota Twins

1981 - I witnessed the last baseball game ever to be played at Metropolitan (Met) Stadium....On a cold, gray, rainy day in September Roy Smalley popped out to shortstop for the final out ever at Met Stadium......I stayed in the ball park until I saw that all of the other fans were usher finally kicked me claim is that I was the last baseball fan to leave Met Stadium.



                    Ben Oglive....Milwaukee Brewers.....1983

I saw Ben Ogilve of the Milwaukee Brewers hit the longest home run ever in the Metrodome...landed high in the upper deck in right field......481 ft from home Brad Radke. (not that big of deal but it is an historical event just the same)



                                 Peterson Brothers

1984 - My home town of Zumbrota was hosting a big slow pitch softball tournament at the local fields and the organizers were actively recruiting teams in the area to play in this 32 team tournament.....slow pitch softball was extremely popular during this time period.....tournaments every weekend....lots of people were playing....interest was at an all time high....

As the tournament organizers were going about their search for teams an idea was hatched by a few of the local softball players in town....over a few beers at the local bar called the Blue Goose this question was asked...."why don't we put together team of former Zumbrota high school players for this tournament?''....then the brainsorming started in regards to who they should get to play on their team.....once the suggestions started they suddenly realized that they could form a pretty good team with 5 sets of brothers who were originally from Zumbrota....this idea became a reality when all of the 5 sets of brothers agreed to come to Zumbrota for the weekend and play in the tournament....this newly formed team entered the tournament with the simple team name of "The Brothers".

"The Brothers" team was made up of the following 5 sets for brothers:

1. Matt and Jack Anderson
2. Tom and Mike Banitt
3. Scott and Todd Kalass
4. Tim and Gary O'Connor
5. Mike and Paul Peterson

These 5 sets of brothers were all good athletes at Zumbrota High School during the 60's 70's and 80's. Gary O'Connor was the youngest player at age 22 and my brother Mike Peterson the oldest at age 35. I was 30 years old at the time and 7 of the other brothers were younger than me. Everybody on our team was also actively playing softball at the time so we felt like we had chance to win some games in this tournament.

The tournament was loaded with some very good teams so we knew it was going to be tough to "Brothers" team got off to a good start and won our first game on Saturday morning....word soon got out around town about this "Brothers" team.....we became the talk of the tournament.....sort of a human interest story......a novelty act......the questions came fast and furious...."Are they really 5 sets of brothers?'...."Are they really all from Zumbrota?"....."all of them?"....."really?"....."can you tell which guys are brothers?"..."they  are all really good players".....the buzz about my team was interest was building....the crowds were getting bigger as the day wore on....

By the time we played our last game on Saturday afternoon a huge crowd was on hand...some of the old timers from Zumbrota said they had never seen that many fans at a softball tournament in Zumbrota...... I don't remember the exact details on how all the games went in the tournament other than that by Sunday afternoon we were in the championship round of the double elimination tournament...we played very well....our fan base was growing....the groupies were in full force....

One of the highlights of the whole weekend was the game on Sunday morning that was attended by even a bigger crowd than on Saturday......we needed to win that game to stay alive in the double elimination the bottom of the 7th inning (last inning) we were down 2 runs with 2 men on base and 2 outs...young Gary O'Connor stepped up to the plate and hit a dramatic 3 run homer to win the game.....the huge hometown crowd  just erupted.....people still say the roar of the crowd was so loud that it was heard all over town....(it was loud but I don't know if was that loud).....I'm going on record that the story about the crowd is true....who can ever dispute it?....that's the great thing about old stories, you can embelish them forever....

That big win put us into the championship round....we still had to beat the undefeated hot shot team from Rochester twice in order to win the tournament.....these guys were a bunch of cocky jerks who gave us no respect......we wanted to beat them so the first game we battled and played them tough but in the end we lost by only a couple of runs....we were in it all the way but we came up short and our dreams of a championship died....even with the disappointing loss on Sunday it was still a great weekend....lots of fun was had playing with all of the "Brothers".....and I had story for my Top 20 Fun Fact List....



Boston Garden.....Boston Celtics....1988

-1988 - I attended a game at the Boston Garden between the Boston Celtics and Washington Bullets.....two college buddies had connections with Kevin McHale and they arranged for Kevin to leave us tickets at the will call window for the game.....the tickets we received were right down on the floor behind the Celtics bench so you can imagine how giddy I was that a long time Celtics fan it was quite a thrill to see a game at venerable Boston Garden.... an arena that is truly full of basketball lore...seeing Larry Bird, Kevin McHale and Robert Parrish (the Big Three) made it a very special night....after the game we hung around and I asked the usher if I could go out on the famous parkay floor....after doing some considerable begging the usher finally let me go out on the floor....stood at the free throw lines at each basket...sat on both a kid in candy store...I am such a rube!!.....great memory!



                Jack Morris....World Series...Game 7...1991

Gene Larkin...World Series...Game 7...1991

Car Accident

    Stretcher...neck brace.....ambulance.....emergency room

1991 -  I attended Game 7 of the 1991 World Series at the Dome...Jack Morris shuts out Atlanta for 10 inning.....Gene Larkin drives in the winning run in the bottom of the 10th.....Twins are World Champions again......classic game....wild crowd....big win.......this big night is however memorable to me for a much different reason....on the way home I was in car accident around 1:30 in the morning.... a car blasted me from behind in slow moving traffic....went by ambulance to the hospital....strapped to stretcher and wearing a big neck brace.....spent the night in the emergency room....neck is still stiff to this car was destroyed....great night in Twins history....terrible night in my history....



                 Mark Calcavecchia...PGA Golf Professional

1996 - At the Tom Lehman Charity Golf event at the Minneapolis Golf Club, I had the opportunity to caddy for PGA golfer, Mark Calcavecchia. (my company was a major sponsor)......In the locker room I got a chance to meet and talk to the following PGA touring pros..... Phil Mickelson, Peter Jacobson, Payne Stewart, Vijay Singh, Loren Roberts, Lee Janzen, Tim Herron, Craig Stadler, Tom Kite, Duffy Waldorf and Tom Lehman.......I still have the $100 bill that Calcavecchia ripped out of his money clip and gave me after the threesome was Calcavecchia, Tom Kite and Duffy Waldorf...not a great draw for me considering the other players who were there.....Calcavecchia's said to me...."on every Par 4 just give me the driver, these people didn't come here to watch me hit a one iron."......loved being "inside the ropes"....even wore the full white suit that caddy's wear at the Masters.....quite a day....

                         Tom Kite...PGA Golf Professional

                     Duffy Waldorf...PGA Golf Professional



Gary Anderson...NFC Championship....1999

1999 - I was at  the NFC championship game at the Metrodome when the Vikings played Atlanta.....Vikings were heavy favorites.....the belief was that Vikings were a lock to go to the Super Bowl.....the dome crowd was so jacked that day....super loud.....Vikings up big in the first half.......late in the fourth quarter all the Vikings needed was a chip shot  field goal to ice the game and they would be on their way to the Super bowl......Gary Anderson field goal kicker for the Vikings hadn't missed a field goal all year.......the game's in the bag, right?....I was sitting right behind the goal post that Anderson was kicking towards.........then it happened.....the Minnesota jinx rears its ugly head again..... Anderson misses his first field goal of the year.......saw it was going to be no good immediately....Atlanta goes on to win in overtime.....I was car accidents on the way home however....had to feel good about that....



                      Dick Vitale....ESPN Basketball Analyst

2000 - I met Dick Vitale in a restroom at a bar in Sarasota, Florida.....was standing next to him as we "did our business" at side by side urinals....he was just like he is on TV doing college basketball games for ESPN....excited...loud....passionate...asked him to give me one of his signature lines "you better get a TO baby."...he gladly did it...with vigor.....and yes he did wash his hands.....



                         Arnold Palmer....Golf Legend

                         Tom Watson....Golf Legend               

2004 - I played a round of golf at the Rochester Country Club with a friend who is a member there.....around 6:30 pm after sitting in the clubhouse bar for a few hours I noticed 4 guys on the first tee......after I saw the first guy swing, I knew who it was none other than the golf legend himself, Arnold Palmer....I would know that swing buddies didn't believe me so we rushed out to the first tee and sure enough it was Arnold Palmer....much to our surprise there was another golf legend in this was none other than Tom Watson......we had hit the motherload of golf......they both had been at the Mayo clinic that day and they were playing golf with their doctors.....the course was now deserted so they said we could walk along with them...watched them play 6 holes....both were very friendly and they bantered with us...Arnold even let me swing one of his was a unexpected thrill to see these two legends of the game up close in such an informal didn't help me become a better golfer, however.....



             Brent Musberger.....Sports Play-by-Play Announcer

2004 - I met Brent Musberger in the Target Center concourse after a Timberwolves playoff game...he had done the radio broadcast of the game....he was just standing there and none of the crowd passing by was paying any attention to him...he had always been one of my favorite announcers so I went over to talk to him....he surprised me by how friendly he was....he wanted to know about me...asked me all kinds of questions....what do.I do?..where do I live?.. etc....he later asked his broadcast partner, Tim Legler from ESPN, to come over to us because he wanted Tim to meet me....had a good conversation about the game and the NBA with Tim and Brent...needless to say I became a much bigger fan of Brent after that only regret is that I didn't ask him to do his signature opening line that he uses at the start of his broadcast...."you are looking live at sold out (name of the stadium he is at)"...l have mimicked that line for many years....

                      Tim Legler....NBA Analyst for ESPN


My OCD has caused me to be obsessed with attending the first and last games at the various old and new stadiums in Minneapolis.......

Metropolitan Stadium

                                  Memorial Stadium


                                       Target Center

TCF Stadium

                                        Target Field

My official "First" and "Last" list of games attended is as follows:

1981 - Last Twins game at Metropolitan Stadium
-Lost to Kansas City....5-2

1981 - Last Gopher football game at Memorial Stadium
-Lost to Wisconsin...26-21

1982 - First Twins game in the Metrodome - exhibition game
-Win...beat Philadelphia...5-0 (Pete Rose first hit....Hrbek two homers)

1982 - First Gopher football game in the Metrodome
-Win...beat Ohio University....57-3

1985 - First and only All-Star baseball game in the Metrodome
-American League loses 6-1

1989 - First Timberwolves regular season game at the Metrodome
-Lost to Chicago 96-84 (Jordan..45)...first season was played at Metrodome

2008 - Last Gopher football game at the Metrodome
-Lost to Iowa...55-0....OUCH!!

2009 - First Gopher football game at new TCF stadium
-Win...beat Air Force...20-13

2009 - Last regular season Twins game at the Metrodome
-Win...beat Kansas City....13-4

2009 - Last extra Twins game (#163) at the Metrodome
-Win...beat Detroit 6-5..12 in (instant classic)

2009 - Last Twins game ever at the Metrodome
-Lost to New York ....4-1 (swept 3-0 in first playoff round)

2010 - First baseball game ever at Target Field
-Gophers lost to LA Tech...9-1.

2010 - First Twins game at Target Field...exhibition game
-Lost to St. Louis...8-4

2009 - Twins Home Opener at Target Field
-Win...beat Boston...5-2.

Overall record: 6 wins / 8 losses

Games I missed (sleeping at the switch I guess)

1982 - Twins Home Opener at the Metrodome
-Lost to Seattle....11-7

1990 - First Timberwolves game at Target Center
-Win....beat Dallas....98-85



I have attended games at the following 16 major league baseball parks;

Current baseball parks

1. ATT Park - San Francisco Giants

2. Angels Stadium in Anaheim - Los Angeles Angels

3. Camden Yards - Baltimore Orioles

4. Citizens Bank Park - Philadelphia Phillies

5. Fenway Park - Boston Red Sox

6. Miller Park - Milwaukee Brewers

7. Rangers Ball Park in Arlington - Texas Rangers

8. Target Field - Minnesota Twins

9. Tropicana Field - Tampa Bay Rays

10. US Cellular Field - Chicago White Sox

11. Wrigley Field - Chicago Cubs

Former baseball parks

1. Comisky Park - Chicago White Sox

2. County Stadium - Milwaukee Brewers

3. Metrodome - Minnesota Twins

4. Metropolitan Stadium - Minnesota Twins

5. Yankee Stadium - NY Yankees



-My travels have taken me many great places. I have visited 8 different countries along spending time in Bermuda and Hawaii. My list may appear to be very short for some people but for a small town rube from Zumbrota who had only been to North Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin at age 30, it's not a bad list.


Visited Paris and the surrounding area....


Visited Amsterdam and surrounding area...


Visited Rome and Florence........


Visited Vienna......


Visited Munich and the surrounding area........


Stayed right on beach in Lisbon.......


Visited all of the islands.........


Stayed right on the beach......


Stayed on the beach near Los Cabos San Lucas....


Visited the beautiful Banff area.....



Even though I've never have been married, I still have plenty of experience when it comes to weddings. One of my claims to fame is that I have been in 16 man...groomsmen....usher..... I have posted that number up on the board and I'm still waiting to see if someone can beat far no one is even close.....I like to think that I'm a wedding expert........seen it all....heard it all....done it all....if I play my cards right I won't ever have to be in my own wedding.....

My "Wedding List" is as follows.......

College Friends
1. Dan Hovland
2. Darrell Olson
3. Greg Owens
4. Jeff Wolfe
5. Kent Stadum
6. Mark Anderson
7. Mike Astrup
8. Paul Oppegard
9. Wes Kroening

High School Friends
10. Mike Ripley
11. Paul Bucher
12. Pat Bradley

13. Bev Nersion
14. Martha Olson
15. Mary Rostad

City Friend (Roomate at the silo - see Prattle # 8)
16. Steve Rasske